The Main Window


When you have established a connection between your local PC and an FTP site, the Free FTP Manager main window displays the files and folders for your PC on the left side of the main window and the files and folders of the FTP site on the right side. At the top of the window there is a menu and a toolbar. From there you can access other functions of Free FTP Manager and you can change the layout of the main window. Below that, there is the message log. Every action you take on the FTP server is logged there, as well as all status messages. Located at the bottom of the window is the Transfer Queue, which allows you to see what files are scheduled for upload/download and their progress.

Find out more about the Free FTP Manager menu. Find out more about the toolbar Find out more about the Quickconnect Bar Find out more about the Message Log Find out more about the local view Find out more about the remote view Find out more about the transfer queue Find out more about the status bar
(Free FTP Manager main window: Click on any part of the window to go to its description)

Keyboard Shortcuts

F5 - Refreshes local and remote file and folder views
Tab - Switches to the next view
Ctrl+C - Stops the current operation
Ctrl+D - Disconnects from server
Ctrl+Q - Connects to the server entered in the Quickconnect bar
Ctrl+R - Reconnects to server
Ctrl+S - Opens the Site Manager
Ctrl+T - Shows or hides the treeview